November 23, 2021

Introducing the Temporal TypeScript SDK



After 493 commits, hundreds of user questions, and a year of active research and development, we are excited to announce the public beta of our TypeScript SDK!

Bottom Line Up Front

The Temporal TypeScript SDK lets you write highly scalable and reliable long-running workflows without being a distributed systems expert. It is designed with TypeScript-first developer experience in mind, but works equally well with JavaScript.

You can get started by:

  • running npx @temporalio/create@latest if you prefer developing locally with Docker, or
  • using our prebuilt Gitpod environment for cloud development.

The minimum Node.js version is 14 but we recommend using 16.4.1 and up.

When you spin up a project, you will notice four dependencies you will use:

  • @temporalio/workflow for Workflow APIs
  • @temporalio/activity for Activity APIs
  • @temporalio/worker for Worker APIs
  • @temporalio/client for Client APIs

These represent the four core APIs you need to know to be productive with Temporal.

Workflows and Workflow APIs

Workflows are async functions that can orchestrate Activities and access special Workflow APIs, subject to deterministic limitations. They start as "just functions":

export async function exampleWorkflow(name: string) {
  return `Hello ${name}`;

To do anything interesting like calling activities or setting timers, you need to import our Workflow APIs as the @temporalio/workflow package.

import { proxyActivities, sleep } from '@temporalio/workflow';
import type * as activities from './activities';

// explained later
const { greet } = proxyActivities<typeof activities>({
  startToCloseTimeout: '1 minute',

export async function exampleWorkflow(name: string) {
  greet(`Hello ${name}, see you in a month`); // call activity
  sleep('30 days'); // set durable timer
  greet(`Hi again, ${name}!`);

The full Workflow and Workflow API docs are here.


Activities are the only way to interact with external resources in Temporal, such as making an HTTP request or accessing the file system. They also start as "just functions":

export async function greet(text: string): {

Activities run in the standard Node.js environment with none of the Workflow restrictions. For the most part this means you can safely copy-paste over existing Node.js code. The primary benefit is the robust system of retries and timeouts you get when doing so. When Activities are called inside Workflows, you can declaratively set retries and timeouts that set clear boundaries around Activity reliability:

// Sample of typical options you can set
const { greet } = proxyActivities<typeof activities>({
  startToCloseTimeout: '30s', // recommended
  scheduleToCloseTimeout: '5m', // useful
  retry: {
    // default retry policy if not specified
    initialInterval: '1s',
    backoffCoefficient: 2,
    maximumAttempts: Infinity,
    maximumInterval: 100 * initialInterval,
    nonRetryableErrorTypes: [],

The full Activity docs are here - there are a few more Context utility functions exposed as @temporalio/activity.


A Worker is a process that connects to the Temporal Server, polls for Tasks sent from Clients, and executes Workflows and Activities in response. An application can have as many Worker Processes as needed to meet scalability and reliability requirements.

A standard Worker looks like this:

import { Worker } from '@temporalio/worker';
import * as activities from './activities';

async function run() {
  const worker = await Worker.create({
    workflowsPath: require.resolve('./workflows'),
    taskQueue: 'tutorial',

run().catch((err) => {

The full Worker docs are here. In production, you will also want to prebundle your Workflows and configure connection strings and security options.


Workflow Clients are embedded in your application code (even including serverless Next.js API Routes), and connect to Temporal Server via gRPC. They are the only way to schedule new Workflow Executions with Temporal Server.

import { WorkflowClient } from '@temporalio/client';
import { exampleWorkflow } from './workflows';

const client = new WorkflowClient();
const handle = await client.start(exampleWorkflow, {
  workflowId: 'business-meaningful-id',
  taskQueue: 'tutorial',
  args: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], // this is typechecked

The full Client docs are here.

Next Steps

The 4 concepts of Workflow, Activity, Worker, and Client are a simple but powerful way to break down any distributed system design that you may need.

2022 Edit - The workshop recording is up on YouTube!!