October 11, 2023

Temporal Community Newsletter: September 2023

Charles Zedlewski

Charles Zedlewski

This blog post is a public copy of our monthly newsletter sent on September 26nd. If you'd like to receive upcoming updates by email, you can subscribe to our newsletter here.

We had an exciting September! We were able to meet so many users at our second-annual Replay conference in Seattle and got to talk about a lot of new technologies. We also announced several product updates to Temporal.

Read more about these new updates and some of the upcoming content we are working on below. And as always, we'd love to hear from you—feel free to share feedback in our Community Slack group, or on Twitter (@temporalio)

SDK Update

There is a new update to our PHP SDK. PHP 2.6 is out with support for React/Promises v3, Eager Workflow Dispatch, and more. Read more about it here.

Temporal Cloud for Startups: We have a new opportunity for startups with less than $30M in funding. Learn more and see if you are eligible for free access to Temporal Cloud.

Upcoming Meetups and Events

QCon | October 2-4

  • The first week of October, Temporal will be in San Francisco for QCon, an international software developer conference. Temporal Software Engineer, Taylor Khan, will be giving a talk on Wednesday, October 4, over "A More Useful Programming Model". Also on that Wednesday, Sergey Bykov, a Temporal SDE, will be giving a talk on "Durable Execution".

All Things Open | October 15-17

  • All Things Open is an educational conference happening in Raleigh, North Carolina, where attendees learn about new technologies and topics. Temporal is a sponsor this year, so don't forget to register. Get tickets here.

London Meetup | October 17

  • Temporal is excited to bring our community meetup series to London in October! Join for an evening of technical talks, have some snacks and drinks, meet with Temporal users and experts, and learn more about distributed systems. Register here.

Compensating Transactions in Go: Check out this video where two of our Developer Relations team members live code through implementing compensating actions in a Temporal Workflow.

Replay 2023 Conference

We had an incredible time at Replay this year! It was several days filled with skeletons, exciting talks for new technology, and an epicenter of something monumental.

Be on the lookout for recorded talks from the conference; we can't wait to share them with you. Until then, be sure to stay up-to-date by following our blog.

Product updates:

At Replay, we introduced upcoming features for the next release. We'll dive into each one in the coming months. Here are a few highlights, though this isn't an exhaustive list:

Community Favorites

  • Leading Into Replay: Read about the workshops and Temporal talk tracks from Day 0 of the Replay 2023 conference.
  • Replay: Day One: Check out a recap of the numerous talks that went on the first day of the Replay 2023 conference.
  • Making Temporal Trivia: See how our Solutions Architect team made a trivia game with Temporal.