Temporal Community Newsletter: March 2023

Charles Zedlewski

Charles Zedlewski

This blog post is a public copy of our monthly newsletter sent on March 29. If you'd like to receive upcoming updates by email, you can subscribe to our newsletter here.

This month's newsletter features some exciting news and updates. We've got lots of new content from our DevRel team including blogs and videos, plenty of chances to see users at upcoming events, and Temporal v1.20 updates!

For more information on what we've been working on, just keep reading! And as always, we'd love to hear from you—feel free to share feedback in our Community Slack group, or on Twitter (@temporalio), or simply reply to this message.

Temporal v1.20

Notable new features:

Simplify your local development environment with the Temporal CLI. Now you can run Temporal without containers by leveraging our new Temporal CLI, which supports convenient installation with curl, Homebrew, or binary downloads.

Scheduled Actions: The new way to schedule Workflows in Temporal. Scheduled Actions gives you significant new controls over scheduling Workflows, supports a robust set of new input formats, overlap and catchup policies and more.

For more information on what’s included in the Temporal v1.20 release, check out our blog post.

We have several new updates to the server, see what has changed here:

Advanced Visibility on SQL - This change makes it possible to run the full Visibility API with standard persistence (such as MySQL and postgreSQL). With this update, we are also deprecating Advanced Visibility support for Cassandra.

Archival overhaul - This overhaul addresses these design issues and ensure that the functionality is entirely reliable. We’ve also made it possible to set a Retention Period of longer than 30 days.

Workflow Update fast path (Alpha) - Workflow Update will eventually provide a unified Signal/Query experience for most use cases. Only Update calls made from a client outside Temporal will be supported initially. Workflow-to-Workflow Updates are planned for the future.

Replication between different Shard counts - Cross-shard replication makes it possible to replicate between Clusters that have different shard counts.

Improved default authorizer as part of v1.20 - previously there was special handling required for temporal-system and empty namespace, this is no longer required.

DeleteWorkflow - this feature is now supported in the Batch API.

Temporal v1.20 Webinar: in case you missed our webinar on March 30, check out the Youtube out now on the latest Temporal release v1.20

SDK Updates

  • .NET Activity Worker and Client support is now out, with a Workflow Worker hot on its trail.
  • Context aware data converters in Java - Java SDK now supports context making this possible. We’ve also extended Data Converter to work on error messages and stack traces.
  • Eager Workflow Start Java - Our Eager Workflow optimization can significantly lower the start latency for Workflow Executions.
  • Workflow Update in Go - we added Alpha support for our new Workflow Update functionality. Workflow Update combines the power of Workflow Signals and Workflow Queries into a single Request/Response style primitive. Go SDK now officially supports this new Workflow Update functionality, so let us know what you think.
  • Python support for our new Scheduled Workflows functionality.
  • Java SDK AOT compilation support via GraalVM.

Meet the team:

meet the team-technology

Content and Community

We've got lots of new learning tools available for several SDKs!

Replay CFP: We want to hear from you! Find out how you can be a part of Replay 2023 and submit a CFP today!

Community Spotlight

We wanted to highlight this awesome article written by one of our community members about their thoughts from attending Dominik's latest webinar on Sagas!

Check out Sagas in Microservices: Managing Complex Transactions in Distributed Systems.


Community Favorites

  • Funding Round: Check out this blog on our latest round of funding and how we kept unicorn status.
  • Typescript 101 course: For part of our Typescript week, we released a new Temporal 101 course.
  • Python SDK release: We recently had a week all around Python content; here is our first post from the series.

Please, reach out on our Community Slack and let us know if you are building or migrating applications to Temporal and need design assistance. Or request a video covering best practices via support.temporal.io or #support-cloud.

Also, don't forget to take a look at the March changelog for Temporal documentation.

Meet the DevRel team:
