October 15, 2020

Announcing our funding

Ryland Goldstein

Ryland Goldstein

Latest Release at Time of Writing: V1.1.0

Update (10:36am PST) with current press:


Hey Temporal community, we have a big announcement for everyone.

10 years ago two engineers at AWS started working on a project that would turn into something way bigger than either could have expected. In the time since then, the underlying idea has been iterated on and refined into something that brings businesses tons of value and developers love. The next step of that journey starts today. Temporal is proud to announce it has received a 18.75M A round led by Sequoia Capital and a 6.75M Seed round led by Amplify Partners.

Before we talk about the future it's important to be grateful for the past. Without the support of every single one of you in the community creating a company or raising money would have never been possible. Very rarely will you find such a positive and intelligent group of people with a shared common goal but that's exactly what we have within the Temporal community. While Temporal is no longer just an open-source project, we are fundamentally dedicated to the open-source community who made all of this possible.

The funds will be primarily used for two efforts

  1. Open-source features, fixes and community growth
  2. Temporal cloud

We won't go into too many specifics of what's coming in open-source but new languages, databases and a real security story are definitely things to look out for. Outside of direct contributions, we also plan to hire a number of developer advocates and user-facing engineers to improve our support.

As some of you know, we are also working on a hosted version of Temporal. While we don't have a timeline we are evaluating interested parties as our initial design partners. These design partners will be the first cloud users and have official support (SLA backed) along with prioritized features and bug fixes. If this is something interesting to your or your company, please reach out to ryland@temporal.io.

Along with the announcement of our funding we wanted to talk about the three case studies that were published today. Temporal had the opportunity to work with the amazing engineering talent behind Box, Checkr and Coinbase to learn exactly what benefits Temporal brought their teams. These case studies are not only great validation for users considering Temporal but they were also a learning experience for us at Temporal:

  1. Temporal, a central brain for Box
  2. How Temporal simplified Checkr workflows
  3. Reliable crypto transactions at Coinbase

Last but definitely not least, we are looking to hire a bunch of talented people in a variety of engineering and product roles. Our team is incredibly intelligent, progressive and friendly and we pay well and have great benefits. We work with the best companies in the world to solve the hardest technical challenges facing developers today. Due to the open-source nature of Temporal you will always have an opportunity to give back and directly interact with passionate users. Even if you're just curious to know what it's like to work here, please reach out and someone from the team will be very happy to chat.

Work at Temporal

As always, feel free to reach out with questions, comments or critical feedback via email, Slack or our community forum.