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Code for more reliable systems

Temporal is an open source programming model that can simplify your code, make your applications more reliable, and help you deliver more features faster.

Fail less - Fail better

Just say no to

Unresponsive, overloaded services
Process crashes
Network outages
Race conditions
Duplicate or incomplete transactions
Time lags or timeouts

Temporal Cloud provides Snap a highly reliable and scalable foundation for Snap Stories, enabling us to deliver the amazing global experience our users have come to expect.

Snap Engineering

Snap Engineering

Code smart

Temporal simplifies your application logic to make your code easier to maintain and your developers more productive. See for yourself with this sample money transfer app that reduced 241 lines of code to 98.

Your app code

Your application code with Temporal

Your app code (241 lines)

package main

import (

type Status uint32

const (
	Started Status = iota

// ErrStorageConflict is returned by the storage API for the CompareAndSwap operation
var ErrStorageConflict = errors.New("storage conflict")

// ErrInsufficientFunds is returned by the bank API, considered a non-retryable business level error
var ErrInsufficientFunds = errors.New("insufficient funds")

// ErrAccountNotFound is returned by the bank API, considered a non-retryable business level error
var ErrAccountNotFound = errors.New("account not found")

type BankingService interface {
	Withdraw(accountNumber string, amount int, referenceID string) (string, error)
	Deposit(accountNumber string, amount int, referenceID string) (string, error)

type Persistence interface {
	Load(ctx context.Context, key string) (state interface{}, err error)
	CompareAndSwap(ctx context.Context, key string, state interface{}, expected interface{}) error

// Task pulled off a persistent task queue
type Task struct {
	QueueName string
	Payload   []byte
	Attempt   uint

type Consumer func(ctx context.Context, task Task)

// Queue represents a persistent task queue
type Queue interface {
	Enqueue(queue string, payload []byte) error
	Consume(queue string, consumer Consumer)
	Ack(task Task)
	RetryLater(task Task, duration time.Duration)

type TransactionInput struct {
	ReferenceID     string
	SourceAccountID string
	TargetAccountID string
	Amount          int
	// Used to report errors from activities
	ErrorMessage string
	// Used to verify process consistency
	LastStatus Status

type ActivityInput struct {
	Type      string
	AccountID string
	// Used to extract information about the transaction and forward it back to the transaction handler
	Transaction TransactionInput

type Worker struct {
	queue       Queue
	persistence Persistence
	bank        BankingService

func (w *Worker) ProcessMoneyTransferEvent(ctx context.Context, task Task) error {
	var input TransactionInput
	if err := json.Unmarshal(task.Payload, &input); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Failed to unmarshal payload: %v", err)
		// Enqueue in dead letter queue for human inspection
		return moveToDeadLetterQueue(w.queue, task)
	anyStatus, err := w.persistence.Load(ctx, input.ReferenceID)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	status, ok := anyStatus.(Status)
	if !ok {
		log.Printf("Failed to load status from DB, got: %v", anyStatus)
		return nil // discard this task, we don't know what to do with it
	if status < input.LastStatus {
		// CompareAndSwap for the previous ProcessMoneyTransferEvent iteration has not completed before we got an activity completion.
		// Return an error and backoff retrying this task until our process is in consistent sate.
		return errors.New("got activity completion for uncommited workflow state")
	if status > input.LastStatus {
		log.Printf("Invalid status in task, got: %v, expected: %v", input.LastStatus, status)
		return nil // discard this task, we probably generated duplicate activities due to a crash before committing previous status

	prevStatus := status

	switch status {
	case Started:
		status = Withdrawing
		activityInput := ActivityInput{Type: "withdraw", AccountID: input.SourceAccountID, Transaction: input}
		if err := scheduleActivity(w.queue, activityInput); err != nil {
			return err
	case Withdrawing:
		if input.ErrorMessage != "" {
			// Could not withdraw, abort
			status = Failed
		} else {
			status = Depositing
			activityInput := ActivityInput{Type: "deposit", AccountID: input.TargetAccountID, Transaction: input}
			if err := scheduleActivity(w.queue, activityInput); err != nil {
				return err
	case Depositing:
		if input.ErrorMessage != "" {
			status = Refunding
			// Reset the error message
			input.ErrorMessage = ""
			activityInput := ActivityInput{Type: "refund", AccountID: input.SourceAccountID, Transaction: input}
			if err := scheduleActivity(w.queue, activityInput); err != nil {
				return err
		} else {
			status = Succeeded
	case Refunding:
		if input.ErrorMessage != "" {
			// Critical transaction failure, cannot refund.
			// In a real world example a human operator would probably need to examine this transaction.
			status = Failed
		} else {
			status = Succeeded
		return nil // discard this task, transaction has already completed. This shouldn't happen

	// Since we already enqueued tasks before storing the state we might generate duplicate tasks in case storage returns an error.
	// This is okay for our case because we use a unique transaction ID as an idempotency token.
	// Temporal prevents this situation by committing workflow state and the request to schedule an activity in a single transaction.
	// This API will fail in case the status was incremented concurrently.
	err = w.persistence.CompareAndSwap(ctx, input.ReferenceID, status, prevStatus)
	if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, ErrStorageConflict) {
		return err
	return nil

func (w *Worker) ProcessActivity(ctx context.Context, task Task) error {
	var input ActivityInput
	if err := json.Unmarshal(task.Payload, &input); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Failed to unmarshal payload: %v", err)
		return moveToDeadLetterQueue(w.queue, task)
	tx := input.Transaction

	var operationErr error
	switch input.Type {
	case "deposit":
		_, operationErr =, tx.Amount, fmt.Sprintf("%s-deposit", tx.ReferenceID))
	case "withdraw":
		_, operationErr =, tx.Amount, fmt.Sprintf("%s-withdraw", tx.ReferenceID))
	case "refund":
		_, operationErr =, tx.Amount, fmt.Sprintf("%s-refund", tx.ReferenceID))
		operationErr = fmt.Errorf("not implemented")

	if operationErr != nil {
		if errors.Is(operationErr, ErrAccountNotFound) || errors.Is(operationErr, ErrInsufficientFunds) {
			// Business error, report back to transaction task
			tx.ErrorMessage = operationErr.Error()
		} else {
			// Transient error, retry later
			return operationErr
	payload, err := json.Marshal(tx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Failed to marshal payload: %v", err)
		// Enqueue in dead letter queue for human inspection
		return moveToDeadLetterQueue(w.queue, task)
	if err := w.queue.Enqueue("transactions", payload); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

// Run is the entry point for our program
func Run(queue Queue, persistence Persistence, bank BankingService) {
	worker := Worker{queue, persistence, bank}
	handleErrors := func(consumer func(ctx context.Context, task Task) error) Consumer {
		return func(ctx context.Context, task Task) {
			err := consumer(ctx, task)
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("Failed to process task: %v", err)
				queue.RetryLater(task, calcBackoff(task))
			} else {

	queue.Consume("money-transfer-events", handleErrors(worker.ProcessMoneyTransferEvent))
	queue.Consume("money-transfer-activities", handleErrors(worker.ProcessActivity))

func scheduleActivity(queue Queue, input ActivityInput) error {
	payload, err := json.Marshal(input)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return queue.Enqueue("money-transfer-activities", payload)

// calcBackoff calculates exponential backoff without jitter
func calcBackoff(task Task) time.Duration {
	initialInterval := float64(time.Millisecond) * 500
	return time.Duration(initialInterval * math.Pow(2, float64(task.Attempt)))

func moveToDeadLetterQueue(queue Queue, task Task) error {
	return queue.Enqueue(fmt.Sprintf("%s-DLQ", task.QueueName), task.Payload)

[Temporal gave us] lines of code reduction in key areas and ubiquitous integration patterns. Our engineers loved it. It brought our people closer together.

Chris Gavin, Architect

Chris Gavin, Architect

Gain transparency.
Assert control.

When a customer reports an issue, it's very easy for us to just put the Workflow ID into the Temporal Web UI to see what is going on.

Nicolas Gere, Software Engineer

Nicolas Gere, Software Engineer

Temporal works the
way you work your language

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...and at your scale

Temporal executions have run since you’ve loaded this page.

100%open source

MIT license. Developed in the open.

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Technologists love Temporal

Hashi Corp

HashiCorp needed to build long-running, reliable, fault-tolerant tasks for the HashiCorp Cloud Platform.

Temporal's technology satisfied all of these requirements out of the box and allowed our developers to focus on business logic.

Without Temporal's technology, we would've spent a significant amount of time rebuilding Temporal and would've very likely done a worse job.

Mitchell Hashimoto, Co-founder at Hashi Corp

Mitchell Hashimoto



One of the most interesting pieces of tech I've seen in years… does to backend and infra, what React did to frontend… Temporal's engine is quite complex, much like React's, but the surface exposed to the developer is a beautiful "render()" function to organize your backend workflows.

Guillermo Rauch, CEO at Vercel

Guillermo Rauch


Build invincible apps

Give your apps and services durable execution.